What ifJust What If?we could listen in on our political leaders' phone calls?
Trotting Out the Attack Ads
Published on August 14, 2004 By Punditry In Politics

"Which attack ad would you like to see first, Mr. President?"

"Let’s see, Dick. Which one is the best?"

"Well, the one on Senator Kerry flip-flopping is very good. It leads off by talking about him changing his mind on the war in Iraq. Makes him look indecisive and weak."

"Yeah, but he is going to say the intelligence on Iraq that caused him to vote for the war was wrong and we knew it. He’ll say that is the reason he changed his mind."

"Yes, I have heard that, but no one outside of Washington will know what we said and when we said it. All we have to do is keep saying he is weak on defense and changes his mind."

"What else we got?"

"There’s a story on the Internet that when Kerry was in the POW-MIA talks with Vietnam that he and his staff ate a pizza that was for his flight crew. What kind of man would take the crew’s lunch and pass it around to his big-shot staff?"

"Can you find the person who saw this happen?"

"We’re trying, Mr. President, but the story is many years old. However, we think it is a good one and it shows how Senator Kerry is only looking out for himself and his friends."

"Okay, so we call him a flip-flopper based on the stuff we said that wasn’t true, and say that taking a pizza shows that he only cares for himself. That’s great. What else?"

"We have a new one about his first purple heart, how he pushed his commander to put him in for the decoration."

"Great. What does it say?"

Um. Well, . . . that’s what it says, Mr. President, that Senator Kerry had a scratch that bled and he badgered his C.O. for a purple heart."

"Yeah, I know. What else does it say?"

"Well, nothing, sir. We are just repackaging that story to remind people how he promotes himself."

"What about the other two purple hearts? Anything on them?"

"No, sir. They appear to be genuine awards for wounds he suffered in combat."

"What else, Dick?"

"The last one is about Senator Kerry lying about having sport utility vehicles, saying they belong to his wife."

"Oh, yeah. That was a great one."

"Yes, sir. Those four ads will be vital for defeating Senator Kerry in November."

"Yeah, they will. Hey, how about some poll ads, showing how much of a lead we have on Kerry?"

"We don’t have any numbers like that, Mr. President. In fact, the Senator seems to be pulling ahead in several polls."

"Well, look harder. Laura was talking to a neighbor back home and she said everyone was voting for me."

"Yes, Mr. President."

on Aug 14, 2004
I think you could have put this under Humor and done just as well with it, but hey...

I personally don't like attack ads at all.

I'm Republican, but you know what, degrading a Democrat by saying half-truthes, and degrading a Republican with half-truthes isn't the way to go about winning a political campaign. People should hear the candidates opinions about political issues, instead of attacking someone for driving an SUV.

Funny, and interesting. Keep it up. Just try not to get too negative. Breeds a bad rep.


on Aug 15, 2004
Thanks, Beebes:

You might be right. Humor might be the place for my column.

I also hate the idea of attack ads. Political science degree holder that I am, I always--naively--think that elections should be about issues, not attacking people. However, some of our political leaders have told us about their most personal attributes--integrity, intelligence, insight, values--by their actions much more so than by their words.

When I have seen clips of W campaigning in 2000, he was talking about "humility in foreign policy," keeping our soldiers at home unless we really need to fight, lots of stuff that he completely forgot after he was anointed by the Supremes. Since I cannot trust his words--which to me is significant--I need to also look at his actions. And his actions deserve criticism. Punditry